>1980 10 16 Hambourg
TAG par Machicouli
AU 1
Durée : 61 mn
Qualité : A+
Concert :
The holy hour
Play for today
Three imaginary boys
10:15 saturday night
In your house
At night (cut)
Fire in Cairo
Boys don't cry
Another day
Jumping someone else's train
Another journey by train
Grinding halt
A forest
Seventeen seconds
I'm cold
Killing an arab
Subway song
Plastic passion
Play for today
10:15 saturday night
Descriptif :
* version demo de THH (avec qques paroles de ACAG !)
* guitar ; (...) there is only 3 of us now (...), this is called TIB
* guitar ; This one is dedicated to Ian Curtis ; P ; 1ère version, plus lente et avec paroles différentes
* clapping à la fin de 10:15
* Thank you, this one is about every single day ; A ; chgt paroles au début
* guitar ; IYH ; chgt paroles
* This one is called AN ; guitar ; AN
* guitar ; This is called M
* guitar ; Thank you ; guitar et drums ; impro guitar ; FIC
* guitar ; BDC
* guitar et bass ; AD
* guitar ; Two songs about train ; JSET
* guitar et bass ; It's about england and everywhere else ; GH
* It's called AF ; AF ; une coupure son pdt ! chgt paroles ; version speed avec relance
* drums ; It's the final song, it's called SS ; SS ; impasse paroles sur le dernier SS ; impro paroles à la fin ;
Thank you, good night ; guitar ; Thank you
* guitar ; F
* guitar ; IC
* KAA ; Thank you good night, thank you, thank you
* clapping pdt SS
* clapping au début de PFT ; guitar à la fin, enchainée avec 10:15 ; version speed ;
R en retard au cht ; relance ; excellente version ; clapping pdt ; Thank you good night, thank you
Tags : guitar, thank, paroles, night, this