... encore 2 20 Fire in cairo 21 Boys don't cry 22 Play for today Descriptif : - bass ; THH - bass ; guitar et bass ; guitar ; (...) guitar (...) only 3 of us now ; TIB - bass ; P ; clapping à la fin ; première version, avec paroles différentes - on demande AF ; bass ;...
...super concert (à rallonges) !!! - une fille demande BDC à un moment ; SS ; larsen à la fin - bass ; guitar ; bass (cris du public pendant) ; claviers ; bass ; on demande TIB et O ; qqu'un crie "Bad boys !" ; This one is for the 70's ; TIB ; qqu'un chante sur le morceau - Well, we're going...
...clapping au début de 10:15 * claviers ; M * impasse paroles sur un "Accuracy" pendant A * guitar, bass et claviers ; This is called BDC * guitar ; (...) listen to a single ; PP * guitar ; It's two songs about train ; JSET * bonne version de AJBT * enchaînement guitar et bass avec GH *...
...journey by train M Grinding halt A forest Forever - A forest (cut) Descriptif : - bass ; guitar ; Thank you ; PFT - commentaires radio en néerlandais au début de TIB - This one is dedicated to God ; guitar ; He stops the raining ; FIC - This song is not dedicated to God ;...
...Thank you ; TIB ; Robert commence à chanter plus tard ; petit changement de paroles - guitar ; FIC - bass ; IYH - guitar ; Thank you ; guitar ; 10:15 ; on entend le taper dire "my favorite" - claviers et bass ; AN - guitar ; This one is for my own country he says, it's called JSET (guitar...
...on the beginning and at the end of 10:15 * the audience sings on A * This is called AN ; drums ; bass ; AN * bass ; M * guitar ; This is called JSET; JSET * guitar ; GH * SS ; Thank you, good night * keyboards and drums ; guitar and bass and drums ; guitar ; Right ; PP * guitar de BDC ; BDC...
...FOREST PLASTIC PASSION BOYS DON'T CRY SUBWAY SONG KILLING AN ARAB Descriptif : - bass ; claviers ; TIB ; clapping au début - bass ; claviers ; bass et claviers ; guitar ; FIC ; chant du public pendant - bass ; guitar ; bass ; IYH - guitar ; 10:15 ; scansion et clapping au...
...exceptionnelle (les 20 ans de Simon), nombre de rappels exceptionnels (4) !!! - claviers, guitar et bass ; TIB - guitar ; Thank you ; guitar ; This is called FIC ; sur un refrain, Robert s'abstient de jouer et de chanter - This one is the depth in stereo ; IYH - guitar ; Now, this one is...
...an arab forever a forest Descriptif : - après le début de PFT : Good (...) sound - bass, guitar et claviers ; Thank you ; guitar et claviers ; This one is called TIB ; clapping au début ; un spectateur demande de quelle chanson il s'agit et une personne lui répond - bass ;...
...Subway song Killing an arab Descriptif : * impasse paroles sur "something to happen" * bass et guitar ; Thank you, this is ... called...TIB * drums ; bass ; bass et guitar ; (...) jingle now...and the vocals ; guitar ; drums ; keyboards ; guitar ; FIC * guitar ; 10:15 ; clapping à...